These Tips Can Help Keep You Safe Ahead of Tornadoes

In March, tornadoes devastated parts of Arkansas, Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana, and the unusually mild winter weather was a contributing factor. Tornadoes in Iowa tragically killed several people and wounded at least 35 more.

In the midst of a tornado warning, there are a handful of things you can do to protect your house and loved ones. In addition, however, experts recommend a few simple things you may take to be ready for the tornado before it hits your home.

Rick Smith, a meteorologist specializing in warning coordination at the National Weather Service’s prediction office in Norman, Oklahoma, has said that weather radios should be installed in every house and business. These specialized receivers may sound notifications and alarms in case of emergency.

In the South, where tornadoes often strike at night while residents are sleeping, radios and warnings are an indispensable tool.

In the event of a power outage, the National Weather Service advises that you have backup warning systems in place, such as mobile applications, weather radios, or any other suitable means of communication.

It is advised to take refuge in basements or enclosed spaces below ground or in an above-ground safe area that can endure tornadic winds.

Unfortunately, many Oklahoma houses do not have the option of constructing basements because of the high costs associated with the clay soil.

To protect oneself from potentially fatal flying or falling shards, Smith recommends using mattresses, sofa cushions, or other sturdy things. Protect your head with helmets that are lightweight and easy to stow. It is not essential to open doors and windows to equalize pressure, as Smith pointed out, contrary to a widespread belief. You should close your home’s garage door and all interior doors.

Get off the road and inside a nearby structure as soon as possible.

Individuals have lived and died in ditches, under bridges, and when trapped in cars, according to Smith. But, vehicles have also crumbled into pieces of metal that he cannot identify.