In the year 1984, a landmark film was released. Directed by James Cameron, the thrilling sci-fi storyline immediately encapsulated viewers, and it was apparent then that a groundbreaking movie in a novel genre was created. That film was named “The Terminator”, and featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger (and catapulting him to stardom from the B-List of actors) along with Linda Hamilton the films popularity endures to this day 40 years later and has spawned several notable successor films. The entire premise of the movie surrounds an alternate reality in which robotic technology has advanced to such a stage after being created by humans that they are now able to act autonomously and independently and seek to destroy the world and humanity.
While the film remains fictional in the present, it increasingly seems that in the modern sense there is a scary possibility that one day in the not so distant future that the notion that robots may exist that are completely capable of thinking and physically functioning independent of mankind’s dominance may not be so farfetch’d. Indeed, in recent developments, artificial intelligence and related technologies continue to advance to such an extent that many people deemed experts in the corporate and economic world worry for the stability of the jobs of millions of people world wide. The corporate giant Goldman Sachs recently published a report that alleged that hundreds of millions of jobs are at serious risk of being deemed obsolete as the technology advances, particularly in the fields of finance and customer service.
The Supreme Courts Chief Justice John Roberts recently published a report in which he stated that while he believed that human judges are “not going anywhere”, artificial intelligence may have a strong impact on the workings of America’s court system especially at the trial level. Roberts stated that it would be wise for people to consider carefully the impact that artificial intelligence may have, especially regarding legal activities.