North Korean Dictator Flaunts New ‘Suicide’ Drones That May Have Come From Russia

The North Korean dictatorship unveiled its new “suicide drones” on August 26 in the capital of Pyongyang, at a performance test that dictator Kim Jong Un attended to oversee the operation. Military experts and geopolitical analysts said on social media and some media outlets that the drones in question could have come from Russia, following the close relationship that both nations have established. One of these was Nacho Montes, who explained that North Korea was showing off drones as a way to send a message to the Western world, especially South Korea.

In the event, which was televised by North Korea’s state-controlled media, Kim could be seen wearing a cream baker boy as he watched the performance test through his binoculars. In the weapons test, the so-called suicide drones destroyed some targets, with all of the attendees applauding and manifesting their approval. North Korean newspapers published some photos not only of Kim watching the test but also of the drones flying in the air.

Following the test, the communist dictator delivered a speech where he said that it was crucial for North Korea to develop and produce as many of these drones as possible. He claimed that the so-called Hermit Kingdom had to protect itself from the threats that “the West” has been delivering for decades. Kim added that the suicide drones might set a “turning point” in North Korea’s defense and capacity to execute any attack. The dictator claimed that if the Asian country wants to enhance its sovereignty, it has to be able to deploy “strategic reconnaissance” operations and know how to use “multi-purpose attack drones” as soon as possible.

Military experts have described suicide drones as some of the most lethal right now, as these are designed to be crashed not only into enemy targets but also into buildings and many types of military vehicles. The drones are essentially guided missiles that can be modified to carry explosives to throw at targets, which makes them capable of being used in many types of missions.

In a statement, the North Korean Ministry of Defense said that the military will use the new drone capacity within numerous striking ranges to “destroy enemy targets.” It added that far from being limited to air, these attacks will also be executed on the sea and the ground, which the ministry said will turn the North Korean armed forces into one of the most “sophisticated armies” in the world.

Military journalists said on social media that after watching various images of the test, it remains unclear which could be the exact origin of the drones, as they look similar to Israel’s “Harop” and Russia’s “Lancet 3.” These journalists said that intelligence officers who refused to be identified said that the drones’ technology is probably Russian and Iranian.