DeSantis May Be Calling It Quits As Campaign Dwindles

In a stunning turn of events, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis endorsed his vengeful opponent, Donald Trump, for president and halted his 2024 presidential attempt. It’s been suspended shortly before the New Hampshire primary.

DeSantis has slipped behind Republican contender Nikki Haley and far behind GOP frontrunner, former President Donald Trump, despite Trump facing many indictments,

This move effectively eliminates everybody but Trump and former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley from the contest for the New Hampshire primary that is scheduled for Tuesday. This week’s campaign is the GOP’s last opportunity to unseat the former president, who has dominated the race so far, and Trump’s opponents have long wanted this outcome, upping the stakes.

In his social media departure video, DeSantis acknowledged Trump’s primary supremacy and criticized Haley. Although his announcement is not shocking in light of his recent 30-point loss in Iowa, it does represent the conclusion of a steep fall for the prominent governor who was once seen as a serious challenger to Trump’s dominance within the Republican Party. Late Sunday, at a rally in Rochester, New Hampshire, Trump used a more conciliatory tone than he had in months, referring to DeSantis as a “terrific person.”

DeSantis had a leg up going in the 2024 presidential race thanks to his formidable advantages over Trump, and early primary surveys indicated he would easily defeat Trump. The high-profile announcement, however, was marred by technological difficulties and continual disruptions to his team and campaign plan. DeSantis informed them of his decision in a succession of phone calls and text messages sent by senior campaign executives to prominent fundraisers and supporters on Sunday afternoon.

The assaults have frequently seemed more like a game than a political tactic for Trump, whose team comprises several ex-DeSantis officials. The governor has been the target of disloyalty accusations from Trump and his associates, who have also made fun of his diet, attitude, and alleged usage of high heels to give the impression that he is taller than he is.

As the news of DeSantis’s leaving spread throughout the political scene, his team joined Trump in criticizing Haley.